well it's sort of an improvement…
Yams with Marshmallows and sugar on top: absolutely delicious, but terribly sweet. I could almost taste the sweet potato under the sugar.
steamed zucchini: there was no body left, honestly it felt like baby food and tasted like cat shit.
Baked chicken: not too bad, and only a little of it was pink. I got three whole mouthfuls!
Canned vegies heated up in the microwave. tasted awful. also yes, they looked just as bad in person as they do in the photo.
White roll. I can't eat white flour. Seriously? How hard is it to have wheat rolls? even if you just have a few so that healthy people like me can pick that instead of the white ones. I just wanted a wheat roll to go with my tomato soup! is that too much to ask?
Tomato soup with cheese on top… it tasted and felt like tomato sauce watered down and heated up. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they made it.
WCU: You suck.
After I ate, I felt: frustrated. and hungry.
Yes managed to do this right:
- sweet potatoes. they're good for you. not so much with sugar on top, but I feel like you're getting the idea.
- uhhh…
Suggested Improvements:
- cook the chicken. for goodness sake, cook the freaking chicken.
- real soup would be nice.
- wheat rolls, so people with botched up digestive systems don't end up in the emergency room.
- real veggies, not canned ones?
Overall meal: C
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