Friday, October 5, 2012

the best friday night I've ever had… and that's saying something

Generally, Friday nights at WCU aren't the best, food-wise. But tonight—possibly because of homecoming—there's legitimate food upstairs! It brought me great joy.

Here's what we had:



Chicken (not bad at all, but very greasy)

Rice (white, over-spiced, flavorless)

veggies (PERFECTLY steamed, PERFECTLY seasoned: blew my mind)

Nutrition: not too bad, actually. Surprised me.



Some pasta with Alfredo sauce, ham, veggies, and sausage.

Tasted like cat barf.

White flower pasta, white sauce, fake sausage, chopped veggies. so… it was a joke.



A joke of a quesadilla. Like, what the hell is that? a teaspoon of pimento cheese? and a pepper? really? it didn't taste too bad, but all you got was a mouthfull, and the nutrition amounts to—let's see here, uh… white flower and cheese make SUGAR and FAT.



Some weird cake pumpkin thing.

tasted like dry pumpkin bread. very over-sweetened.


STILL no spinach in the salad bar. Iceberg lettuce = water and insoluble fiber = no point in eating it.


WCU: this is a mediocre meal.

After I ate, I felt: Hungry. I feel like this is a problem.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • Steamed veggies with pepper
  • baked chicken

Suggested Improvements:

  • Brown rice, less over-powering spice
  • if you're going to make a quesadilla, use brown tortillas, real cheese, black beans, peppers, and tomatoes.
  • that pasta was terrible. throw away the recipe. brown pasta, olive oil and basil for the sauce, and veggies to go on top.
  • cut fruit or non-iced pumpkin bread

Overall meal: C-

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