Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sunday night

well it's sort of an improvement…




Yams with Marshmallows and sugar on top: absolutely delicious, but terribly sweet. I could almost taste the sweet potato under the sugar.

steamed zucchini: there was no body left, honestly it felt like baby food and tasted like cat shit.



Baked chicken: not too bad, and only a little of it was pink. I got three whole mouthfuls!

Canned vegies heated up in the microwave. tasted awful. also yes, they looked just as bad in person as they do in the photo.

White roll. I can't eat white flour. Seriously? How hard is it to have wheat rolls? even if you just have a few so that healthy people like me can pick that instead of the white ones. I just wanted a wheat roll to go with my tomato soup! is that too much to ask?



Tomato soup with cheese on top… it tasted and felt like tomato sauce watered down and heated up. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if that's how they made it.

WCU: You suck.

After I ate, I felt: frustrated. and hungry.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • sweet potatoes. they're good for you. not so much with sugar on top, but I feel like you're getting the idea.
  • uhhh…

Suggested Improvements:

  • cook the chicken. for goodness sake, cook the freaking chicken.
  • real soup would be nice.
  • wheat rolls, so people with botched up digestive systems don't end up in the emergency room.
  • real veggies, not canned ones?

Overall meal: C

I wrote WCU Courtyard dining a letter…

about how badly they suck…

and they wrote me one back, about how they actually don't! funny shit.

But you know what's funnier? ever since that letter, the food has actually been a little better upstairs… If I didn't know any better, I'd think they actually took me seriously!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Breakfast for dinner, wtf?

I had breakfast for breakfast. WCU, you're not famous for your breakfasts.


I did. AND IT SUCKED. I avoid going upstairs for breakfast for a reason: your breakfast food is a joke. it's  shit.

luckily, the pizza station was serving a would-be meatball sub…

ON WHOLE WHEAT! I about had a heart attack I was so excited.

The meat looked risky, though, so I didn't eat it, I just ate the bread and the sauce… Sorry WCU, but I don't trust your meat, not after lunch today.



WCU: If you want to serve breakfast for dinner, serve GOOD breakfast, otherwise don't bother.

After I ate, I felt: Hungry. and angry.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • whole wheat
  • apples next to the salad bar

Suggested Improvements:

  • no spinnach in the salad bar, only iceberg lettuce. what have I told you about iceberg lettuce?
  • your breakfast sucks. try whole wheat pancakes, or real eggs, or pure fruit syrup or something…

Overall meal: F-ing fail.



Chicken was pink. I don't risk my life with pink chicken. Please cook the chicken.

Orzo was overcooked and flavorless.

Pasta was yummy and the sauce was better than I expected, but it was overcooked. also, it would have been better with wheat pasta.



Brown rice, but it tasted AWFUL. I don't know how you can ruin brown rice, but congratulations WCU, you pulled it off.

Steak was good, but it was mostly gristle.

veggies were really good. But the lima bean texture didn't match the rest, I'd have used peas or peppers.





Sandwich was okay, but here's the thing about sandwiches. You need five things to have a sandwich:

  1. Bread
  2. Spread
  3. filler (main meat)
  4. additional filler (veggies of some kind)
  5. accent (spice or oil/vinegar, etc)

First of all, the bread to filler was way off. second the bread was flavorless. third the stuff inside was bland.


so yeah this meal sucked.


WCU:  you tried. you failed miserably.

After I ate, I felt: Hungry-ish, but not starving. so meh.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • brown rice
  • veggies
  • sandwich wasn't bad
  • I saw you had a potato bar today. That's awesome.

Suggested Improvements:

  • cook the chicken.

Overall meal: C

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday Lunch


Chicken: Dry flavorless, a lot of pieces of bone and cartilage to pick out.

Roll: felt like glue in my mouth… but honestly it was pretty yummy. Buttery, fluffy goodness.


Veggies: over-steamed, all I could taste was the sauce.



Rice and Beans: flavorless, but much better with salsa and sour cream. I only got a little though, because they ran out.

Chimichanga: Divine. It was worth the wait. Not very healthy, but flavorful and tasty.



WCU: You tried harder, and it's not too bad. See, that wasn't too hard, was it?

After I ate, I felt: stuffed. There were a lot of carbs (which is good for a ballerina, but what about other people who want more protein?)

Yes managed to do this right:

  • Chimichangas
  • Rice and Beans is a great meal!
  • You had spinach today. Good!

Suggested Improvements:

  • Brown Rice instead of white
  • wheat or spinach tortillas instead of white
  • more flavor with the rice and beans. salt and pepper can solve the blandness
  • The meat in the chimichangas was rather oily
  • BARELY steam the veggies, and use less sauce. a little olive oil and salt is all you need
  • don't overcook the chicken
  • whole wheat rolls

Overall meal: B

Saturday Breakfast

And when I say "Breakfast" I mean "first meal." I ate pretty late. My bad.


Anyway I made a breakfast sandwich. Egg from the grill, tomatoes from the salad bar, ham and cheese from the sandwich bar, then I microwaved it all.

The terrible flavor of the egg was masked by the tomato and the pepper-jack cheese.


it wasn't too bad.


WCU: Meh.

After I ate, I felt: Full, but kind of gross. Man those eggs are nasty.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • Uh…..

Suggested Improvements:

  • real eggs, obviously.
  • spinach on this baby would have been nice.
  • also it would be cool to have cereal that wasn't solid sugar.

Overall meal: C (but mostly due to MY creativity)

Friday, October 5, 2012

the best friday night I've ever had… and that's saying something

Generally, Friday nights at WCU aren't the best, food-wise. But tonight—possibly because of homecoming—there's legitimate food upstairs! It brought me great joy.

Here's what we had:



Chicken (not bad at all, but very greasy)

Rice (white, over-spiced, flavorless)

veggies (PERFECTLY steamed, PERFECTLY seasoned: blew my mind)

Nutrition: not too bad, actually. Surprised me.



Some pasta with Alfredo sauce, ham, veggies, and sausage.

Tasted like cat barf.

White flower pasta, white sauce, fake sausage, chopped veggies. so… it was a joke.



A joke of a quesadilla. Like, what the hell is that? a teaspoon of pimento cheese? and a pepper? really? it didn't taste too bad, but all you got was a mouthfull, and the nutrition amounts to—let's see here, uh… white flower and cheese make SUGAR and FAT.



Some weird cake pumpkin thing.

tasted like dry pumpkin bread. very over-sweetened.


STILL no spinach in the salad bar. Iceberg lettuce = water and insoluble fiber = no point in eating it.


WCU: this is a mediocre meal.

After I ate, I felt: Hungry. I feel like this is a problem.

Yes managed to do this right:

  • Steamed veggies with pepper
  • baked chicken

Suggested Improvements:

  • Brown rice, less over-powering spice
  • if you're going to make a quesadilla, use brown tortillas, real cheese, black beans, peppers, and tomatoes.
  • that pasta was terrible. throw away the recipe. brown pasta, olive oil and basil for the sauce, and veggies to go on top.
  • cut fruit or non-iced pumpkin bread

Overall meal: C-

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Hello friends

Hey there. My name is Hungry Ballerina. I am a dancer at Western Carolina University.

I hate the food at WCU with a  passion.

My goal on this blog is to find other WCU students who feel the same, and to get enough of us together and create a stink that WCU does something about their food services.

One of the ways I will do this is to show you what I can and can't eat as an athlete. I'll be taking pictures of the food I can eat vs the food I can't. That way you can see exactly what I'm dealing with here.